Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Economic development meets the little foxes

What happens when priceless land near a major highway becomes ripe for development as a "major employment center," and residents who have lived in a nearby, placid neighborhood fear for the consequences?

Something of the sort is shaping up at the I-75 exit at Fruitville Road, where Sarasota County is considering allowing a Comp Plan amendment to enable more creative, unified, sensitive planning. At least that's what advocates promise. Opponents say the amendment would open a Pandora's box of higher densities and intensities than the Comp Plan currently permits. The residents fear for the wildlife - foxes, 182 species of birds - and tranquility that have been their lot for generations.

The County Commission will vote on amending the Comp Plan on Tuesday. One possible outcome: deferring a decision until the fall, so that all parties have time to examine potential consequences. Stay tuned.

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